Uccello molto diffuso nelle zone paludose della pianura padana.
Si riconosce e si differenzia dall’airone bianco maggiore in quanto ha il becco di colore nero (l’airone ha il becco arancione).
Nome scientifico: egretta garzetta
English name: little egret

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | November 20, 2017 |
Uploaded | February 6, 2022 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 12, 2016 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 12, 2016 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 12, 2016 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | May 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 17, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 17, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 17, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |

Photos can be downloaded and printed in my Saal Digital portal
Album | garzetta |
Category | birdwatching |
Taken | April 18, 2019 |
Uploaded | September 4, 2019 |